Sunday, February 23, 2020

Gender and Sexual Studies - Transgendered Children Essay

Gender and Sexual Studies - Transgendered Children - Essay Example In addition, a California teen identified as Taylor has started a campaign to boycott Girl Scout cookies as a direct response to the admittance of transgendered members (Girl Scout Launches Cookie, 2012). These occurrences have resulted in considerable difficulties and raised complex questions as to the moral ramifications of identity. The popular understanding of the transgendered child is one that identifies or manifests any of the characteristics of the opposite sex (About our transgendered, 2007). One recognizes that this is distinguished from the notion of the transsexual in that the transgendered child may not contain physical characteristics of the opposite sex, but mentally manifests transgendered personality tendencies. Of course, such a notion raises a variety of further difficulties regarding identity. For instance, determining when to label an individual male or female is more complex than simple physical characteristics, as such labels carry with them personality element s. For the individual in the video, Taylor, distinguishing between male and female is a matter of physicality; that is, if one has the organs of a male, then they are male. When further examining Taylor’s contentions and those that seek to restrict transgendered children’s admission to the Girl Scouts it’s clear that their underlining argument is highly problematic. In considering the argumentative position of these individuals, one notes they rely on an antiquated notion of sex and gender identity. Oriel (2000) distinguishes between the Traditional Binary Gender Model and the Revolutionary Gender Model. The Traditional Binary Gender Model considers biological sex, gender expression, and sexual orientation as clearly distinguished between male and female. Oriel (2000) argues that research into the biological sciences has largely discredited the Traditional Binary Gender Model in favor of the Revolutionary Gender Model. The later model argues that gender distinct ions are largely hybrid and dynamic and that individuals will hold separate types of biological sex, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Such findings largely discredit the distinctions made by individuals such as Taylor who seek to clearly distinguish between males and females. In further considering the question of the transgendered child there is a question of whether they should be considered male or female. Currently, the Girl Scouts consider gender categorization to be one of the brain, contending that individuals should be admitted to the Girl Scouts based on whether they identity with the socially constructed notion of femininity. In determining the nature of gender identity on a broader scale, it’s clear that both the Girl Scouts and their opponents have made a mistake in their categorizations. To a large degree the mistake that has been made is a logical error and constitutes an over reliance on linguistic categorizations. Perspectives as embodied by Taylor a nd her video are assuming that necessarily there must be a distinction between male and female. Influenced perhaps by Biblical and social tradition, this argument is based not on biology, but on the assumption that since the word ‘male’ and ‘female’ exists, there must be a corresponding subject in the real world. When one bases categorization on scientific rationality and deconstructs traditional assumptions of ‘

Friday, February 7, 2020

Airline Industry in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Airline Industry in India - Essay Example This Act ensured that IAC and AI had a monopoly over the Indian skies. This trend will be driven by the economic expansion India, according to IATA. The organization also said that cargo volume, which follows the trends in world trade, is also likely to see a 6% annual increase in 2004-2008.The forecasts were released as a part of IATA's year-end outlook, Reuters reported. IATA also predicted that India will be the world's second fastest growing market for air travel after China. According to the organization India is likely to lead the global economic expansion for the foreseeable future and this will create long-haul business traffic to and from North America, while the growth in air travel between North America and India is expected to exceed 10%. Three former Soviet Bloc countries will also be among the five fastest growing passenger markets during the period, with Poland at 5% Hungary at 9.6% and the Czech Republic at 9.1%, which is just behind United Arab Emirates at 9.3%. The UAE is fourth on IATA's forecast list of the fastest growing passenger markets. While the Indian airline industry is viewed as immature, it has incredible growth potential. In fact, observers say it will boast a growth rate among the highest in the world, and will eventually have the largest domestic market outside the U.S. and China. All four of the major Indian airlines are believed to ... In fact, observers say it will boast a growth rate among the highest in the world, and will eventually have the largest domestic market outside the U.S. and China. All four of the major Indian airlines are believed to be discussing aircraft acquisitions with manufacturers. The planned partial privatization of government-owned airlines is expected to provide greater impetus to future growth, Ian Thomas of the Center for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA) told World Airline News, but will also delay immediate purchasing plans. Airbus Industry recently gave a presentation in Delhi and Mumbai at which it presented its demand predictions for the Indian market. Airbus research indicates that the major Indian carriers will have to buy 222 airliners with 100 seats or more worth about US$7.5 billion in the next 20 years, and that fleet sizes will more than double from 112 aircraft at the end of 1999 to 236 by 2019. Scope for Airline Industry Expansion in India India's civil aviation industry will need to purchase 490 aircraft over the next 20 years, according Dinesh Keskar, vice-president for sales at Boeing. According to estimates from the aircraft manufacturer, falling ticket prices and an increase in passenger traffic will cause an increase in the demand for aircraft. Keskar told Reuters that the passenger traffic in India is likely to increase by 20% over the next three to four years. The Indian authorities have reportedly said that the domestic and international air traffic will increase by about 20% annually, due to investments from the government and private sector. The investments have been estimated at USD20bn over the next five years and the increase of aircraft numbers is expected to double the number of civilian